Cassie’s Former Makeup Artist Unveils Shocking Details Of Assault


Cassie’s Former Makeup Artist Unveils Shocking Details Of Assault

The echoes of the Diddy and Cassie incident still resonate, even days after the footage aired on CNN. Cassie’s professional trajectory appears irreparably altered, as a wave of condemnation from industry peers washes over Diddy for his purportedly abhorrent behavior. While Diddy has attempted an apology, the spotlight has shifted to those who once worked closely with him, painting a damning portrait of the music mogul. Mylah Morales, one such former associate, breaks her silence. As Cassie’s makeup artist during the 2016 altercation between the couple, she now steps forward to share her perspective.

In an interview with Extra TV on May 21, Morales revisited the distressing events captured by CNN. She confirmed her presence alongside the famous duo on the day of the altercation, recounting the tense moments leading up to Diddy’s alleged attack on Cassie. “Revisiting it is triggering,” she confessed. “All I recall is him storming into the room, demanding, ‘Where the hell is she?’ I was left bewildered, clueless about what was unfolding.” Morales found herself thrust into the aftermath, tasked with tending to Cassie following the alleged assault.

Mylah Morales Recounts Barriers to Seeking Medical Help for Cassie

Morales revealed the obstacles faced in seeking medical assistance for Cassie. “I called my friend, a doctor at the time, to treat her because we couldn’t bring her to the hospital,” she disclosed. “We didn’t know what the hell to do at that point. Who are we going to call. I’m scared just even talking about this, but I feel like somebody has to.” Recollecting Cassie’s physical state post-incident, Morales described a distressing scene. “She was bruised,” she admitted. “I mean, badly bruised, like knots on her head, a black eye.”

Cassie found refuge under Morales’ care, recuperating within the safety of her home. “My priority was her safety,” Morales affirmed. “All I cared about was to get her to safety,” As for Diddy’s recent attempt at an apology regarding the 2016 incident, Morales remains unswayed.

“That’s ridiculous, he didn’t even mention her name,” she pointed out. “And if he was apologetic about it, he would mention her name, but he didn’t. That’s what I don’t understand… Just a PR stunt.”

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