Big Daddy Kane Gives Flowers To Michie Mee

toronto rappers

Big Daddy Kane Gives Flowers To Michie Mee

Big Daddy Kane and Michie Mee are both influential figures in the hip-hop industry, each contributing significantly to the genre in different ways.

In a social media post, Big Daddy Kane spoke about Canadian hip hop artists and the respect he has for the late Pat Stay. Stay was a rising battle rapper that was killed in Halifax and was a victim of a stabbing police deemed a homicide in 2022. He was 36 and internationally renowned for his skills behind the microphone.


Big Daddy Kane is one of the most influential artists of the 1980s for the genre and incorporated lyricism and showmanship like no other. He seamlessly blended braggadocio with socially conscious lyrics. His stage presence helped to mold the 80s and 90s hip hop era.

He got his first big break when he met Biz Markie in 1984 and joined the legendary Juice Crew. In 1988, Kane released his first album, Long Live the Kane, under Cold Chillin’ Records. The album was critically acclaimed and featured hits like “Ain’t No Half-Steppin’,” cementing his status as one of hip-hop’s premier MCs. So the hip hop icon’s credentials are well versed for legendary ranking.


Michie Mee is known for being the first Canadian hip hop artist to breakthrough to America by signing a record deal across the border. Michie Mee’s journey from local performances in Toronto to international recognition exemplifies her talent, determination, and the unique cultural fusion that she brought to the hip-hop genre.

Big Daddy Kane illustrated this in a clip that explains why he has respect for the cultural fusion she brought with the innovative blend of reggae and hip-hop. Her association with KRS-One and Boogie Down Productions (BDP) played a crucial role in her rise. KRS-One, a prominent figure in hip-hop, was instrumental in introducing Michie Mee to a broader audience in the United States. She made guest appearances with BDP, further establishing her credibility and expanding her fan base.

In 1991, Michie Mee released her debut album, Jamaican Funk—Canadian Style, which showcased her ability to seamlessly blend reggae and hip-hop. The album received critical acclaim and included hits like “Jamaican Funk” and “Elements of Style.”

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