Tank Says Chris Brown Is Superior To Michael Jackson


Tank Says Chris Brown Is Superior To Michael Jackson

Tank believes Chris Brown has surpassed Michael Jackson in every category.

Tank joined Stephen A. Smith for a lively debate on *The Stephen A. Smith Show*, where the two delved into a controversial topic: Chris Brown versus Michael Jackson. In a clip shared on Thursday (Aug. 15), the R&B singer sparked a heated conversation by boldly stating his opinion.

“Chris Brown is, in fact, better than Michael Jackson,” Tank declared, much to the disbelief of Smith.

“Tank! Do you understand what you’re saying?” Smith replied in shock. “I mean, you’re admired, you’re revered, you’re connected to the music world, my brother. Everyone loves and respects you.”



Tank stood by his claim, using a sports analogy to explain his stance. “If there was a Magic Johnson, now there is LeBron James. It’s the ultimate evolution of someone who can play all five positions. When we talk about Chris Brown, we’re talking about the evolution of Michael Jackson, the evolution of Usher, the evolution of me, and Ginuwine. That’s what this kid represents.”

Smith remained unconvinced, responding, “Oh, come on, Tank. Come on… Chris Brown is the best in the world right now, one of a kind. But to say there’s another level beyond Michael Jackson? I just didn’t see it coming.”

This isn’t the first time the “I Deserve” singer has made the comparison, placing the Virginia native above the King of Pop. Back in June 2022, the debate was reignited when former NFL star Ryan Clark brought up the topic on social media.


“I’ve been the only one saying this, and I’ve felt alone for so long. Welcome to the fold!” Tank wrote on Instagram, referring to Chris Brown. “Singer, dancer, writer, producer, actor, painter, clothing designer, gymnast, ninja, etc.! MJ is the greatest, but CB has more gifts, is all we’re saying…”

Tank went on to clarify his stance further, writing, “People don’t read to comprehend, they only read to respond. MJ is the greatest of all time!! His musical catalog and abilities will never be matched, but in terms of overall gifts, CB has more. There are many artists who never made it but have more gifts than all of us… lol. We’re not arguing greatness, just counting gifts.”

*The Stephen A. Smith Show* is known for its unique take on sports, entertainment, pop culture, and more, offering Smith’s signature bold insights on a wide array of topics.


Of course music fans, Chris Brown fans, and Michael Jackson fans all had their commentary ready for the statement made by Tank. Many users agreed that Chris Brown is now at the level of Michael Jackson, but others stated using Tank’s talking points that Brown was behind Michael Jackson in stats if comparing numbers like MJ and LeBron. Some even pointed out numerous interviews where Chris Brown himself doesn’t see the comparison. Check out the reactions below.

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