“Sons 2 The Grave” Movie Continues To Impress Viewers


“Sons 2 The Grave” Movie Continues To Impress Viewers

Sons 2 The Grave” the feature film by Canadian production company Have Faith Productions(HFP) in association with FilmRise and Incendo, has been acquired by YouTube Movies & TV, with the film’s viewer popularity continuing to soar.  Along with YouTube Movie & TV acquisition the film can be seen on Apple TV+Amazon Prime US, (soon on Amazon Prime Canada) Roku and Tubi garnering impressive ratings. 

Sons 2 The Grave” tells the story of basketball phenom, Marcus Jennings. With one foot in Hudson and one in the NBA, Marcus is taken out.   After midnight on a footbridge that separates the million-dollar homes of the rich, famous and the politically connected from subsidized housing, Marcus Jennings is shot twice in the head.   A message sent to the community.   A code of silence remains in place, fostering a common element that binds this community, fear and the currency of payback will always be bloodshed.  “We are our brother’s keeper” is just a slogan in Hudson.

Ruth Jennings moved to Hudson for her son, his new school regularly visited by scouts.  A strong, hardworking single mother, she thought she could protect her child against all odds & choices, but Marcus found it hard to fight off his new surroundings and mislaid loyalties.   Marcus thought he was in control.  A boy living in a man’s body, living up to his and others exaggerated egos.  He attracted the attention of scouts, agents and Division 1 NCAA schools in the US, a pit stop before the NBA.  Marcus also attracted the attention of RD.  RD controlled Hudson & worked for those who controlled him.  In the end it was what they all had in common that ended Marcus’s life…fear.  Fear of staying, fear of leaving and fear of appearing weak.  Murder is a sin.  There is no justification… but there is understanding.

“We’re born sons, and we die sons. Somewhere in between is the story.”  Ruth Jennings believes God sees all.  There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.   But for now, there is Hudson.  “Sons 2 The Grave” tells that story.


 “I am humbled by the success of “Sons 2 The Grave” and excited about the continued journey with all our streaming partners.  I lean on my Faith as always and look forward to our future projects.”

Have Faith Productions has a slate of upcoming projects, that includes a TV series, Hudson” inspired by the film.   The episodes will echo its tag line, This Aint No Fairy Tale… This Is Hudson.”  The episodes take you into the heart of the city from upscale streets to back alleys, social status not always predetermining who turns up where.  “HUDSON” captures the politics, the temperament & the ongoing chase for redemption… that is not really ours to give.  “HUDSON” will take you inside the 34th precinct, its heartbeat often on life support.  The officers and detectives like the rest of us are flawed. Most conceal their personal fears and demons, visiting them on their own terms, not letting them take over.  But there is a point when some officers break or yes, come broken to the job.  Their safety net, stretched as it is, an eager young pastor assigned to the precinct, whos faith is fully intact, a seasoned but weary shrink whose faith has long been scarred & a Captain who makes the hard decisions whatever side of the blue line they fall on.  Have Faith Productions will also produce three TV movies written by published author, screenwriter & producer, Lynne Stoltz.  “Loud Silence” and “The Other Side Of The Bed” both from books by Stoltz and “Dropped Off” a Faith & Family movie set in Nashville.

Lynne Stoltz has earned a reputation for strong character driven stories.  The kind you attach to and stay with.  Loud Silence drew the attention of Maya Angelou, who had attached to direct the film before her passing.  Both novels lay open the raw emotions of strong women.  Loud Silence is the story about truths and beliefs. The ones we keep to ourselves, the ones we share and the ones that are buried so far beneath the surface they are ignored.  What we tell our children and more importantly what we don’t and a friendship that stood the test of time but shook under the weight of history.  The Other Side Of The Bed asks the question, Will there ever be a time when we let go and ‘feel’ again or will the loyalties and ties that bind us to the past always get in the way? Dropped Off” deals with life in a place where Faith and family is alive and well but doesn’t always come easy.  And an unlikely group of kids that show us the way.  HFP will continue to write & produce stories where characters can be flawed, fall apart, and get back up. Their but the Grace of God. 

Have Faith Productions is excited to join the YouTube Movies & TV family.  I am truly humbled & blessed by the success of “Sons 2 The Grave.”   I walk with Faith as always and look forward to our future projects.”

                                                           Lynne Stoltz

                                                          Author, screenwriter, producer          

                                                         Co-founder, Have Faith Production

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