Savannah James Shares Thoughts on Term “Wifey” & Side Chicks


Savannah James Shares Thoughts on Term “Wifey” & Side Chicks

The wife of NBA superstar LeBron James speaks on sneaky links & wifey terms.

Savannah James recently opened up about her perspective on relationship terms like “wifey,” “side chick,” and “sneaky link” during an episode of her podcast, Everybody’s Crazy, co-hosted with April McDaniel. As LeBron James‘ wife, Savannah often shares insights into her family life, but this time, she expanded her thoughts to more general relationship dynamics. She even admitted to learning the subtle distinctions between a “side chick” and a “sneaky link,” concepts she initially saw as the same until someone clarified for her.

When asked what she believed was the difference between a side chick and a sneaky link, Savannah humorously responded, “Nothing to me. Young people, help us out, we’re old.” It wasn’t until an off-camera participant explained that a side chick is someone the main partner is aware of, while a sneaky link is kept hidden, that she reacted with surprise. “Oh!” she exclaimed, adding, “Just be single,” as McDaniel echoed her sentiment.

Savannah James on Why She Hates the Term “Wifey”

The discussion took a deeper turn when Savannah expressed her strong dislike for the term “wifey.” McDaniel mentioned that she prefers being called “the wife” rather than “wifey,” which sparked an impassioned reaction from Savannah. “Ooh! When I tell you I hate, loathe ‘wifey’ with my whole entire soul,” Savannah emphasized. She went on to recount how she once had to tell her husband, LeBron, to refrain from using the term. “Don’t call me your wifey when I’m not… I’m not. I had to politely tell my husband back in the day. You think you know, but you have no idea,” she laughed, reflecting on the conversation.

As for internet rumors that the James family is at odds with Drake, Savannah didn’t address them directly, and it seems to be mostly speculation. However, her candid conversation on her podcast shows that Savannah isn’t afraid to speak up when something doesn’t sit right with her.

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