Judge Permits Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit Against Bill Cosby to Advance in Nevada

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Judge Permits Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit Against Bill Cosby to Advance in Nevada

New report will bring the legendary comedian back in court.

A federal judge in Las Vegas has ruled that a sexual misconduct lawsuit against Bill Cosby, brought by ten women, can move forward, marking a pivotal moment in the legal proceedings involving the 87-year-old comedian. The lawsuit, filed last year, accuses Cosby of sexual misconduct, with the women claiming he assaulted them over several decades.

This case gained momentum following Nevada’s passage of Senate Bill 129 in 2023, also known as the Justice for Victims of Crime bill, which eliminated the statute of limitations for civil claims from survivors of sexual violence. The law’s enactment enabled these women to file their lawsuit, which includes claims of sexual assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and false imprisonment.


The plaintiffs allege that between the early 1970s and the early 1990s, Cosby lured them into isolated settings, drugged or attempted to drug them, and then sexually assaulted them. These accusations are consistent with claims made by numerous other women across the U.S. who have accused Cosby of similar behavior.

Cosby’s defense team sought to dismiss the lawsuit on both procedural and substantive grounds. While U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the specific sexual assault claims, noting that sexual assault is classified as a crime rather than a state tort, she allowed the bulk of the case to continue. Judge Navarro upheld most of the plaintiffs’ claims, including battery, emotional distress, and false imprisonment.

This ruling comes as Cosby continues to face multiple legal challenges related to sexual misconduct, despite his 2021 release from prison after his Pennsylvania conviction was overturned due to procedural issues. The Nevada lawsuit, made possible by recent legislative reforms, represents a fresh chapter in the legal efforts against the embattled entertainer.

With the judge’s decision, the case will now proceed, giving the plaintiffs an opportunity to present their claims in court, while Cosby prepares for yet another legal showdown.

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