Hulk Hogan Stirs Up Controversy Over Kamala Harris’ Race

hulk hogan

Hulk Hogan Stirs Up Controversy Over Kamala Harris’ Race

Hulk Hogan on presidential candidate Kamala Harris: “Is Kamala a chameleon? Is she Indian?”

At the 2024 Republican National Convention, WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan publicly endorsed Donald Trump for president. Hogan explained that he couldn’t stay quiet any longer after “they took a shot” at his “hero.”

This week, TMZ released footage of Hogan making comments about presidential candidate Kamala Harris. In the video, Hogan says:

“Do you want me to body-slam Kamala Harris? Should I drop the leg on her? Is Kamala a chameleon? Is she Indian? Okay, I can dig it! How! I’m definitely gonna catch heat for that one, brother. That wasn’t me, though—that was the beers talking.”


Some people thought Hogan was just trying to be humorous, but others thought he was trying to copy another all time great Stone Cold Steve Austin. He was known for the “What” catchphrase. However, the most jarring response was some people saying Hulk Hogan was again being racist.

Hulk Hogan’s most notable racist controversy occurred in 2015 when a tape from 2006 was leaked, revealing Hogan making several offensive and racist remarks. In the recording, Hogan was heard using the N-word multiple times while discussing his daughter Brooke’s relationship with a Black man. He expressed anger and frustration, using derogatory language and voicing racist views.

After the tape surfaced, Hogan faced significant backlash. WWE cut ties with him, removing him from their Hall of Fame and scrubbing his presence from their website and promotional materials. Hogan later apologized publicly, claiming that his comments were a result of a difficult time in his life, but the incident tarnished his legacy. Years later, WWE reinstated Hogan into their Hall of Fame, though the controversy remains a point of criticism.

Has Hulk Hogan ruined his legacy?

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