Dana K. White Talks Christmas & Jesus Doesn’t Care About Your Messy House
Dana K. White speaks with WorldWide Entertainment TV Media about her latest book.
In Jesus Doesn’t Care About Your Messy Home, Dana reassures us that God’s grace is present in every bit of our chaos, focusing on our hearts, not our countertops.

Jesus Doesn’t Care About Your Messy House is a book about God’s grace, using an oddly specific example that feels both too unimportant and too daunting. The title doesn’t mean, “Don’t bother cleaning your house. Jesus doesn’t care.” It means you need to stop thinking of each pile as something Jesus is mad about.
Shame is paralyzing. Removing the shame from this struggle by understanding how God sees you, what He wants from you, and that He created you with exactly the brain that you have makes change possible. “Accepting that I am designed instead of defective removes the shame which allows me to finally make progress.”
“Cleanliness is next to godliness” isn’t in the Bible, but too many people assume the concept is true. That assumption is dangerous, both for those who love to organize and for those who are bewildered by their homes. “Grace isn’t there to fill in the gaps after I’ve done all I can do, it’s the entire foundation on which I stand.” Jesus “doesn’t want you to depend on or rest in anything other than Him. Even good things (like getting your house under control) can cause your heart to get off track, and Jesus cares very much about your heart.”
The first instance of Jesus directly calling out hypocrisy in religious leaders was triggered by the issue of cleanliness. He used their criticism of His disciples eating with unwashed hands as an example of their focus on tradition over truth and the danger of turning non-spiritual issues into spiritual issues.
Weakness is a gift from God. Your weakness, your struggle, your pain, whatever it is, is there to help you understand that you need God. While cleaning isn’t a spiritual issue, it is an amazing spiritual image, created to help us know God more through the way His creation works. Those of us who struggle with this issue have the opportunity to understand certain spiritual principles more deeply because of our struggle.
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