Black Culture Celebrated in Prom Season Movie The Send Off


Black Culture Celebrated in Prom Season Movie The Send Off

A film based on a true story, The Send Off gives a gritty tale about a Detroit prom and a young girl’s trials and tribulations. WorldWide Entertainment TV speaks with the cast of The Send Off.

Detroit, MI – May 17, 2024 – *The Send Off* is now streaming on Tubi, Fox’s American content platform. Indie film enthusiasts will be captivated by the story of familial love and over-the-top prom season antics.

Set amidst the vibrant city of Detroit, this film cleverly captures the excitement of prom season, exploring themes of family dynamics, resilience, and self-discovery.

In the wake of the 2024 prom season, teens are posting pictures and videos of their celebratory nights, sparking an ongoing debate on “over-the-top” proms. While many teens feel pressured to have excessive proms, the increasingly popular conversation is often perpetuated by older generations who may be out of touch with how prom culture has changed.


The creators of *The Send Off* did not consider how people police how everyday Black people celebrate themselves. Instead, they took it up a notch, showing how a screen dad goes all out for his baby girl’s big day. In a 2023 article, writer Danielle Campapour quoted Nelba Márquez-Green, whose daughter, Ana Grace, was shot and killed inside her Sandy Hook Elementary School classroom in 2014. She weighed in, tweeting: “Overdoing prom is not the worst thing a parent can do. The worst thing a parent could ever do is bury a child. Let people celebrate. Tomorrow is not promised.”

Executive Producer Marvin Coleman, the driving force behind the project, wanted the film to authentically encapsulate the spirit of Detroit’s prom season, sharing, “Prom in the D is a big deal! Like many parents, I waited my daughter’s [KaNya] whole life to ensure her prom send-off was incredible – with no expense spared.”


*The Send Off*, brought to you by Coleman’s Everything’s a Flex Inc. and Fiston “Stone” Ndele’s Thirty6 Films, in association with World Wide Wilson ENT, does just that. The feel-good film highlights prom culture and celebrates the bond between a father and his daughter, inspired by real-life experiences.

With a talented cast including Chanel Mone’ as “Nya,” Lloyd Montague as “Mark,” Kena Livingston as “Juanita,” and Nylon Keies as “Brittany,” producer Tracey Wilson at the helm, and director “Verdict” guiding the emotional journey, *The Send Off* tugs at heartstrings and evokes laughter and tears in equal measure.

Stream *The Send Off* on Tubi and contact Film/TV Division Marketing Director, Trea Davenport at to learn more.

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